Do you ever have days that no matter what you seem to do to try and stay positive, the
negativity just keeps creeping in. I'm feeling today like the ever bright light at the end of the tunnel I keep trying to race towards keeps moving away, much like a lightening bug that refuses to let me catch it.
So here is my question today, and you can choose to answer it or maybe just ponder it like I'm doing....
"is it all worth it?"
That's it...
that's what I'm pondering at this time. I know many of you are saying, WHAT? Why not be a little more specific, but the truth is, I can't. If I could be more specific I'd know what was bugging me and be able to fix it, or at least unleash pent up anger in its general direction till it
dispersed from being a pain or I fizzled into tears.
I feel as though I may fizzle into tears anyway today... I guess this is fair warning to those of you I may be in contact with today.